I had an interesting conversation with a woman at the checkout in a Thriftstore. We were talking about the chaos in Egypt and she commented that she didn't believe it could happen here. I told her I thought it could. I proposed a couple of scenarios. If the power grid broke down or our food distribution system stopped happening, I said that there would soon be looting and violence in the streets. There is probably about a month's food or maybe six weeks food in stores and homes in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. Once that food ran out, I said there would be violence in the streets. She disagreed, thought our technology for delivering food and power is secure.
I don't know but I think we are living in a technological house of cards. We are vulnerable to economic or technological collapse due to natural disasters, terrorist or military attacks. I may be profoundly wrong but I think something bad is going to happen, sooner or later. It could be just something bad or it could be really bad or it could even be the end of life as we know it.
Whadaya think? Are we vulnerable or secure?
I was talking with someone last week, who knows the food distribution system. He said that the lower mainland of BC (i.e. the Vancouver area) has at any time about a 3 day supply of food